Web Development

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Web Development

Everyone deserves a website that is easier and simpler to use and if it’s on a popular platform, it is obviously a plus. Your website should be made keeping your target audience in mind.


Since websites play a very important role in the success of your business, they deserve 100% of your time and energy! RankingGrow solves all of your website-problems by coming up with great WordPress Website designs! 

wordpress website

What is WordPress?

WordPress was founded in 2003 by Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg. It is an open-source content management system (CMS). It is mostly used by the individuals who have no coding experience but want to get their blogs and websites built. It is written in HP and uses a MySQL database. 


WordPress can be considered the easiest platform to create your websites or blogs! Most of the websites that you come across every day are powered by WordPress which makes it the biggest website platform right now!

Fully Responsive

Device Testing

Clean & Modern

Great Experience

What are the features of WordPress?

There is definitely a reason why WordPress is no the best website-creation platform. Some of the features of WordPress are:


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization that has a lot to do with search engines. WordPress comes with exceptional code base for SEO that makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to find your website and choose it for their index.


WordPress lays great stress on the speed of the website. It strives to eliminate the code “bloat” that may make a website function slower which makes page-loading stressful. All the websites created on WordPress have a great speed considering how important it is for your customers.

Screen Optimized

Most of the themes of WordPress are mobile friendly and you are free to choose whatever you think works the best for your business according to your customers. Most of the people like scrolling on their phones, which is why WordPress has made it simpler for your customers to go through your website over the phone.

Content Update

Our content update service consists of creating content for your website. Content is king. We create original, unique content for your website to help you rank higher and convert more. Our content update services, consisting of writing high-quality articles from scratch for your website, are industry-leading. We update content weekly, never reusing old content.

WordPress 5.0

A new Block Editor has been introduced by WordPress 5.0 which is also known as Gutenberg WordPress Editor. With the help of this, you are able to get your WordPress pages and posts transformed or edited. The “drag and drop” approach has made it easier for you design or arrange your content.

Built-in blog

WordPress comes with a built-in-blog and adding a blog to your website could never be easier! You can easily ass a blog to your website with no additional or useless steps. Who would have thought posting a adding a blog would be as easy and simple as publishing a post?

What is WordPress mostly used for?

WordPress can be used for almost everything and the list goes on. Some of them are:

A blog

You can easily blog about your business, brand or the services that you offer on WordPress. This makes your prospects aware of your brand. Yu can mention anything you want to for your target customers to read!

Business Website

Many big names prefer WordPress for the creation of their business websites. It is due to the fact that WordPress helps your business website look highly professional and unique, just perfect to attract your valuable customers!

eCommerce Website

WordPress is one of the best platforms for building an eCommerce website. It provides exclusive and unique solutions for an eCommerce website, excellent plugins such as WooCommerce and convenient Digital Downloads!

Portfolio Website

Do you want your work to get noticed by everyone? Here’s your chance to do it with the help of portfolio WordPress site that comes with attractive image galleries and sliders. You can present your work details with many examples

Online Community

You are able to build an online community of all kinds through WordPress. No matter what your niche is, you can build a successful online community. For example, if a business is owned by you, an online community can help you interact with many of your competitors.

Magazine and Digital Publishing Websites

A magazine and Digital Publishing Website can consist of quite a few things like stories, news or any other sources of entertainment. One of the most important reasons that makes users wander here and there on websites is in search of “news.”

Multilingual Website

If you’re looking for a platform through which you will be able to create a website with multiple languages at a time, WordPress is the right choice for you! It helps you expand your business by making your website multilingual.

Amazon-Affiliate Stores

Most of the people happen to be familiar with an Amon-affiliate store that allows you to sell you products via Amazon.com as an affiliate that makes it possible for you to earn something out of the sale as well. WordPress had made starting an online business way easier!


Why choose DigitalGency as your WordPress website design agency?

There are many things that differentiates RankingGrow from its competitors. Some of them are

DigitalGency is not just a WordPress design agency

DigitalGency does offer some great WordPress Design services. However, it does not just limit itself to that. DigitalGency is an all-in-one digital marketing agency providing its services to the whole world. Other services that it offers include SEO, Pay-per-click, social media management or marketing and many more!

We use cutting-edge Strategies

DigitalGency consists of a team that specializes in building a website for you that is profitable. We strive to come up with state-of-the-art strategies that are the best at making your website the best in the eyes of your target customers or viewers. Our first step is to understand what your goals are and all of the others include working on them.

We create sites that are sale-focused

Being a full-service digital marketing agency and having an experience of years in the marketing field, we are now experienced enough to drive sales. All of your digital marketing needs are taken care of for better results. Clear calls-to-action are included to drive more sales and simply the navigation of your page. A/B tests are also performed!

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Greater Website Analytics are offered by us

Your website is actually supposed to be the first step towards your success. All of your brand campaigns and digital marketing strategies depend on that. Cutting-edge analytics and tracking tools are installed by us. Not only that, we bring regular reports to you to for the analysis of all of your campaigns. We also monitor your data accuracy.

We Stay updated and keep you so too

For you to be the leader of your own industry, all the WordPress designers that DigitalGency consists of keep themselves updated and make sure that the WordPress development strategies that we own are up-to-date in order to improve your website. For example, we keep a check on the software updates, engine algorithm updates and ADA guideline changes etc.

We Are transparent and 24/7 available for you

DigitalGency believes in transparency and believe in honesty. The development of your website may take one month or even 3 months. All of this depends on how complexed your website is. Our team conveys everything to you with pellucidity as to how long it might take and refrain from making any false promises. On the whole, we are 24/7 available for you in case of any kind of queries, problems or issues!