Technical SEO Services


RankingRow is one of the top social media advertising agencies that has outstanding services to bring to the table. It focuses entirely on the growth of your business through social media platforms. From your social media presence to your efforts to bring the best to the audience, its team of experts makes everything count. You get everything you have always been looking for to make your business grow over social media!


Technical SEO points at improving all the technical aspects of your website. It focuses on fixing any technical error that your website has to make it earn the top rankings of search engines. With the help of technical SEO, the page loading speed of the website increases and the structure also improves. We are all familiar with the search engines, their crawlers and what is attractive enough for them to choose you for their index. This is exactly how a major portion of ranking depends on technical SEO.

In other words, technical SEO is considered a part of on-page SEO due to its ability to change your website for better, make any changes necessary for your website’s ranking and to maximize website traffic. This means this is the opposite of off-page SEO that does not have anything to do with is and works on a completely different methodology.


Technical SEO is extremely important to improve your online business little every day. You get to know the causes of a lot of things that you never thought could affect your website. However, the lack of
technical SEO can lead to low search engine rankings which automatically decreases your website traffic. Your page loading speed might be too slow, causing inconvenience for the visitors but above all, pushing the search engine crawlers away! You can even get penalized by Google for technical faults in your websites!


Technical SEO affects your website traffic which means it actually as an impact on your business. The only job of a search engine is to provide the internet audience with the best possible results. For that,
they send their crawlers all around the internet to gather everything that is worth the time and energy of the audience. However, to earn the trust of the customers or leads, you will have to earn the rankings
of search engines first. This is all how online businesses these days work.

The only criteria to be eligible for top rankings is to keep the convenience of the users in mind while creating a website or while striving to attract customers because this is exactly all that matters when it comes to the guidelines of search engines. Technical SEO makes it easier for you to detect mistakes or anything that needs to be changed or improved in order to make your website catchy enough for the crawlers to praise you through including you in their index. If you want the best for your online business and rankings, you absolutely need technical SEO’s assistance.

Why Choose DigitalGencyfor Social Media Advertising?


It should be fast!

This is probably the most important feature of a technically-optimized website. A website needs to be
fast enough to make the visitor stay on it to learn more about your business which ultimately increases the number of customers. On the other hand, if your website is slow and it takes more than 3 seconds for a page to load, there are high chances of you missing a customer. This is because people have become impatient and aggressive. They can get annoyed quite easily. To save yourself from that, your website needs your attention!


Search engine crawlers must love it!

Everything related to your online business depends highly om search engine crawlers. For your website
to be on top, it is important to make the crawlers happy! It is nearly impossible for your website to earn the top rankings if the crawlers reject you. And if you get rejected by them, there is no way your website traffic can increase. It is not as hard as people think it is to make search engines pick you and it is not an
easy task either. The crawlers must find your website and content simple, easy and fast to recommend it to the internet audience.


The data should be structured!

There is a specific format that you should be following while creating the content of your website. If you follow the same format, it will help search engines find ways to the services or the products that your business has to offer. Having structured data basically means a pattern of everything you want to talk
about on your website. If you fail to keep your data structured, search engines may find it difficult to know everything about your business and its perks. Along with that, it also allows you to provide every kind of information you want on your website.

It should be secure!

Your website should be secure enough to take reasonability of the visitors’ privacy and security. Another thing search engines lay stress on is the privacy of the site. The data of the customers should stay private and confidential in order to gain their trust. A secure site is always ranked higher than a risky website. Search engines won’t risk the security of their audience and never pick you for their index in case they find something shady on your website even if you had no such intention.

It shouldn’t have (many) deadlinks!

Surely, a website that takes ages to load happens to be a big “no” for the visitors. Something that can be equally annoying and time wasting is lading on a page that shows some error and fails to open. This pushes the crawlers as well as the customers away from your website. What needs to be understood is that search engine crawlers are a lot smarter than the customers and can find all deadlinks, even the one no one has ever found.


Let’s run your online campaign!



An inclusive SEO technical audit is performed by RankingGrow to examine your website thoroughly to fix
all technical issues. Our team of experts comes up with solutions for all of your problems that include
short-term and long-term solutions both. Everything is under 24/7 observation, such as the mobile performance, page speed, internal link structure, robots.txt, XML sitemap and search engine indexes etc.



We allow you to keep a constant check on the performance of your competitor so that you never miss
an opportunity to defeat them. This helps your business become one of the top names of your industry.
From, your competitor’s keyword performance to its social media presence, from search engine
rankings to blacklink profile, we help you find everything out!



Website migration is a decision that needs to be made after being completely sure about it. You can face
a few to many difficulties in the process. We offer a robust migration plan so that you do not lose any
website traffic or valuable customers. The plan includes mapping all the changed URL to the new domain, elimination of any duplicate content, managing dead links, monitoring website traffic and a complete analysis of the performance.



Who isn’t afraid to get penalized? Penalties by google can be a result of changes in the algorithms or due
to black-hat technical SEO. DigitalGency consists of experts who know exactly what to do in such
situations. They, with the help of Google search console, succeed in identifying the type of penalty that
has the power to affect your website and end up resolving changes on original web pages made by
Google crawlers.



Keywords are literally the key to the success of every kind of online business. You can stay up-to-date
with the latest trends and can keep a check on your keyword performance. Our SEO experts are familiar with every niche and perform technical SEO audits to be aware of the keyword rankings in order to improve your web pages!



The speed of your web pages has a lot to do with your rankings and number of customers. It highly
effects the reputation of your business and also your website traffic. We offer file compression for the
size reduction of your JavaScript, HTML, CSS and HTML files. We also improve the server response with
the help of Content Distribution Networks (CDNs).




According to a proven fact, websites that consist of active blogs are capable of generating the most backlinks. DigitalGency allows you to gain brand mentions from authoritative sites containing relevant blog posts. 

In-depth Website Audits

DigitalGencyperforms inclusive site audits for you technical SEO, CRO (Conversion rate optimization) ,backlink profile, competition and paid campaign. Our experts make everything simple and better for


You can keep a check on the entire performance with DigitalGency. You never have to worry about daily updates or reporting as we understand your concern and offer regular consultations, monthly
reports and also email updates.


Technical SEO experts

DigitalGency has a team of technical SEO experts who know how to make it work for you. We come with advanced tactics and strategies to deliver the best results in your favour. Our experts keep you
updated and informed!

Full-Service SEO Solutions

DigitalGencyhas a team of qualified people who identify and fix anything that is reducing the speed of your website or decreasing the quality of it. We optimize the content of your page to catch the attention of the search engines.


There are no hidden prices or plans of DigitalGency. From our performance to our pricing, everything is as clear as water! We believe in transparency and honesty! The success of our clients is the success of our team!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Product Manager

I’ve been using DigitalGency services now for around 12 weeks and i already got alot of sales from social media and Google. The RankingGrow team helped me to grow my social media accounts and now i am getting alot of sales everyday.

Chief Exective Officer

I’m getting quite a number of clients mentioning and complimenting the site! It is awesome to have a great site for my potential customers to visit and is helping me close jobs faster! Thanks for all your patience and excellent work!