PPC Services

Pay Per Click Marketing Services Of Digitalgency

Digitalgency is one of the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing agencies that have outstanding services to bring to the table. It focuses entirely on the growth of your business through internet platforms. Its team of experts makes everything count, from your internet presence to your efforts to bring the best to the audience. You get everything you have always wanted to grow your business over internet platforms! is one of the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing agencies that have outstanding services to bring to the table. It focuses entirely on the growth of your business through internet platforms. Its team of experts makes everything count, from your internet presence to your efforts to bring the best to the audience. You get everything you have always wanted to grow your business over internet platforms!

What is PPC?

Your website can have the best content, design, and theme for your target audience and still not catch the audience’s attention. Have you ever wondered how websites that have average content defeat you in reach? It is the marketing world that makes everything possible. Every successful business owner knows the importance of digital marketing and makes the best use of it.

Paid-Per-Click (PPC) refers to placing ads on different internet platforms. It is a process that includes two parties – The advertiser and the publisher. The advertiser pays the publisher every time someone clicks on the link to the website. However, you pay the publisher only when your target audience clicks to visit your website. It increases web traffic and leads to conversions. The advertiser gets viewers, and the publisher gets the reward. It is there; always a win-win situation for both!

How Does PPC Marketing Work?

Pay-Per-Click is a process that is based on keywords. Investing in keywords is always a good idea, as it is the best way to get your output doubled anyway! It follows the simple research principle in which the audience always uses specific keywords to find what they are looking for, and the advertisement that has won the race pops up first, containing all the keywords.

Although ads can be placed on every internet platform, the most challenging task is to place your advertisements on Google. Hundreds of competitors compete for the same keywords as you to earn its platform for your advertisements.

What Makes PPC The Best For Your Business?

PPC is one of the best digital marketing strategies to help your business grow more and more every day by increasing your web traffic and ROI. It is simple and easy to understand, which makes many business owners choose PPC for the growth of their online business. It works especially best for small businesses who wish to promote their business online. Everyone in the industry is well-aware of pay-per-click services and to defeat your competitor, you have got to do what he’s doing to defeat you as well!


Fast Results

You never have to worry about efficient results when it comes to PPC. With the help of PPC, you don’t only get the results that you expect but also get them in a short period. Getting started with PPC is easy but getting positive results timely is easier!


Measurable results

Whatever you have been doing is always measurable when it comes to PPC. You can always keep a check on your profits, loses, clicks, reach and pretty much everything associated with PPC services. Throughout the campaign, everything stays under your own observation.



As everything related to the rankings of your website is associated with SEO, for PPC, you have got to be familiar with SEO and how it works in order to generate better results. However, once you are done creating a successful campaign, no one can change that!


Target Audience

One of the best things about PPC is that you, yourself choose the location for the placement of adds. And you, undoubtedly, will choose a location that works best for your business and where it will reach you maximum target audience.


Business opportunities

Pay-per-click services are the best and the most beneficial to use when your competitor, by any chance is offline! This is the best time to run a PPC campaign as you can turn everything towards your favour! PPC should be chosen in such cases as it is easy, simple and takes less time!


Brand Recognition

Pay-per-click allows you to use different keywords related to your own industry. This makes your brand popular and trustworthy as the target audience always uses some keywords to get their desired results. By considering those keywords, you can easily earn the first page of any search engine.


Save your customers

Customers using their mobile phones to look for a good company near them will always consider your company if your ad pops up on their screen. There are also high chances of them visiting you store afterwards. If you don’t give this importance, your competitor will win the customer!


PPC services are affordable and fit your budget pretty easily. You can always also keep a check on what you have been spending and what you have been getting in return. It totally depends on you to either go for the ads or a campaign.

Functionality and Reporting

The combination of right strategies and the right tools is the best combination to get desired results. PPC platforms provide you all the necessary tools to run PPC campaigns. You can also analyze your results anytime you want.

What is The Difference Between SEO and PPC

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process that includes advanced strategies and techniques to make your content earn high rankings. A good digital marketing company has SEO experts who make everything simple and easier for you!

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is a kind of marketing that is probably the most common of all. There are multiple platforms for PPC to work on and all of them depend on your target audience. Since it works for web as well as social media platforms, it is one of the top choices of entrepreneurs!

The main difference between SEO and PPC is the basic concept of both of them. SEO refers to the creation of content as well as its promotion across the web. Both of them are part of SEO. This is how you can earn links which then lead to the success of your website by being on the first page of the search engine.

It is also important to highlight that SEO requires hard work and patience. This is because no matter how much you’re working hard to make it work for you, it will still take some time to prove itself beneficial. You will have to wait for some time or perhaps for a longer time to get the desired results finally. However, slow and steady always wins the race!

The results might also be unpredictable when it comes to SEO. One day you will be surprised to see the results and might as well be disappointed the other! You can never be 100% sure but then again, it is worth the risk! It sure is hard to get what you want through SEO but when you do, it will stay with you forever.


What Are Some PPC Ads That You Should Know About?

There are different types of adds that you can use for the growth of your online business. However, all of them completely dependent on the requirements and needs of your business. RankingGrow helps you choose the PPC ad that meets the requirements of your campaign.


Search Ads

Although there are many adds od PPC, search advertising is the most popular and common over the internet. It is a part of paid search marketing that gets visible to prospects or customers who are actually looking for a specific niche or industry to purchase something. Such kinds of ads work the best for you of you’re interested in short sales. They also work when a campaign is supposed to be promoted only once.


Display Ads

Display advertising is well-known for its ability to reach the maximum of the audience.  Display ads target people who have been visiting sites related to your industry through appearing in Google’s partner websites. Display ads make everything catchy by increasing the use of photos and texts to make people want to take an action through them. If you have luxury customers or lengthy sales, it is the right choice!


Social Ads

Social ads refer to advertisements on multiple social media platforms. This is one of the most successful ways to make PPC beneficial for you. The platforms on which PPC works perfectly include many such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and TikTok etc. They allow you to reach prospects according to their interests, networks and hobbies. Brands or companies that already exist on social media should definitely go for social ads.


Remarketing Ads

The biggest advantage of remarking ad is to make people want to come back to your website! It helps you gain customers and leads who are ready to convert. Remarketing is comparatively cheaper than many others. This is due to the reason that there is less competition and the customer segments happen to be highly targeted.


In-stream Ads

Have you ever seen an ad while you’re just scrolling through youtube or watching a video? That is exactly what in-stream ads are. However, YouTube ads are a little different from the rest of the ads as your brand is presented in an exclusive way that stays in someone’s mind forever! This is something that facebook too has been working on!


Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP)

Gmail Sponsored Promotions help you reach out to interest leads. This is a process through which high-quality leads can be generated by landing in their inbox. What makes them unique and different from others is that it offers pay-per-call services to you! Which means customers can make a direct phone call to you anytime they find any of your products of services interesting.


Search Ads

Although there are many adds od PPC, search advertising is the most popular and common over the internet. It is a part of paid search marketing that gets visible to prospects or customers who are actually looking for a specific niche or industry to purchase something. Such kinds of ads work the best for you of you’re interested in short sales. They also work when a campaign is supposed to be promoted only once.

Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon is, hands down one of the biggest selling & buying platforms! Therefore, the ads placed on Amazon have always worked the best for any kind of business. This is due to its popularity and the number of people using Amazon. When an ad is placed on Amazon, it always catches the attention of many customers who are ready to convert.

Local Services Ads

Local services ads work well for HVAC companies, locksmiths, electricians and plumbers etc. It has some limitations and can be applied to other markets. Local Ads work on the “pay per lead” principle. Which means, you will only pay for the clicks if those clicks actually change into leads. We have many such clients and have increased the visibility of their business.

PPC Services That Digitalgency Provides

Keyword Research & Analysis

Digitalgency uses unique strategies and knows exactly how to make use of different tools to understand the mindsets of your customers. Our team is the best at predicting keywords your customers might type to look for what they want. All of your keywords are examined and categorized following the search volume, the relevance of the industry, and competition.


Landing Page Conversion Optimization

We have SEO experts and also a team of excellent writers who are familiar with every niche. We bring you the best content that happens to be attractive enough for your customers to read. We lay stress on creating impactful headings since they are the first thing a customer comes across. On top of everything, the job of the keywords related to your industry are handled well by us.


PPC Management

Everything about pay-per-click is managed perfectly by us. Our experts are always available for your guidance and assistance. You do not have to stress over anything, all you have to do is partner with us and leave the ret of the job to us. From keywords to the content and pretty much everything is what our experts are there for!


Maximum Growth

Partner with us today and make your website earn the No.1 ranking! Our team consists of paid search advertising experts who strive to promote your brand by working on the keywords related to your industry, and different strategies to make every effort account and keep a check on your ROI. This is how we help all of your dreams come true without even stressing over them!


Ads A/B Split Testing

Split testing helps us find out all the things that we lack or need to improve and focus on fixing all errors. Different variations of page elements are created by our experts to see which one of them works the best for you. From layout to CTA, there are variations of everything. The one generating the best results is chosen!


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Our team is the best at creating impactful ads to attract leads. You can now get your target customers according to the platform and time that works the best for you. Not just that, we in fact, also check the design of the page where the ad is going to be placed. We make sure that everything is the simplest and the easiest for your customers!

Bing & Google Ads Management

We make sure that all of your products ad services reach you target customers and fr that, we use many strategies out of which “in-depth PPC audits” is one. No matter what the platform, all of your PPC ads are optimized which leads to an increase in the engagement rates and much more! Let’s engage with your customers to bring the best leads to you!

Amazon PPC

We offer the “Amazon PPC” service to our clients which has, truly been one of the most successful services ever! All of us are familiar and aware of the number of audiences currently using Amazon! This is exactly why pay-per-click is easier over there. Out of millions of people, at least some of them must be looking for any such brand and will reach out to you! Let’s increase you ROI and website traffic!

YouTube Ads

YouTube leads are one of the most high-quality leads, as time has proven. We create appealing ads based entirely on your industry, niche and target audience. YouTube ads on the side, while searching for something or even in the middle of the videos are handled and managed well by us! This is the most effective way to generate leads.

Social Media Platforms RankingGrow Helps Manage

RankingGrow has a team of experts that knows exactly how to make your business grow through social media. It has always been providing its clients with the best services and continues to do so! Social media management seems like an easy task but it actually makes you burn midnight oil to get where you wish to be. RankingGrow helps manage many social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Comprehensive PPC Audit

In-depth PPC audits are performed by RankingGrow to identify any issues related to campaigns and fix them timely. Once all of the problems are solved, your campaign will always be more effective. From your key performance indicator to remarketing techniques, everything is evaluated.



RankingGrow comes with the most affordable quality services in the market. You get exactly what you pay for within your budget. Doesn’t matter if you have a small business or a huge one, you always get what you deserve!



We never keep anything hidden from you and provide you with regular reports related to our performance or the results. From online performance to the progress of the campaign, we always keep you updated. You also have an access to our client dashboard.


Customer Support

We offer 24/7 customer support service to our customers or clients. No matter what problem you face, we are always there to help you. Our team is literally a few clicks away from you to provide you with the best solutions.


Multi-Location PPC

Cntact us today and let us develop a multi-location structure for PPC! This will help your business reach customers according to your own target location and audience. You don’t have to stress over this anymore as we have your back!


Pay-Per-Click Experts

Our team of Pay Per Click specialists help you with everything that you are unable to understand. They break every complicated concept into simple steps for you to be sure about everything before making complicated decisions.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Product Manager

I’ve been using RankingGrow services now for around 12 weeks and i already got alot of sales from social media and Google. The RankingGrow team helped me to grow my social media accounts and now i am getting alot of sales everyday.

Chief Exective Officer

I’m getting quite a number of clients mentioning and complimenting the site! It is awesome to have a great site for my potential customers to visit and is helping me close jobs faster! Thanks for all your patience and excellent work!


It is a process that includes two parties, one is the advertiser and the other is publisher. The advertiser pays the publisher every time someone clicks on the link to the website.

PPC services of RankingGrow are not too expensive to afford. However, the prices of SEO services vary entirely from company to company. The pricing of PPC services starts from $5000 per month.

Yes, RankingGrow offers a 100% money-back guarantee. Although there are fewer chances of you not being satisfied in case something comes up, we return whatever you have invested!

There are various tools used by us to make link building services work the best for you. All of tools are risk-free and secure.  We use tools according to the latest technologies and we focus on staying up-to-date.  All the tools are used by SEO experts who help you get the desired results.